NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 567081, "prodtype_id": "CATE", "product_name": "Eat Drink Hebrides - Talla na Mara", "topcategory_id": "edht", "topcategory_key": 15679, "eastings": 103799, "northings": 896283, "latitude": 57.85752, "longitude": -6.99552, "bookable": false, "address4": "Isle Of Harris", "address5": "Outer Hebrides", "min_price": null, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 15679 ] , "detail_link": "/food-and-drink/eat-drink-hebrides-talla-na-mara-p567081", "info": "

Eat Drink Hebrides - Talla na Mara


Opened in 2017 as a multi-purpose site, you’ll find a place to eat and drink in the privately run Talla na Mara Restaurant, purchase handcrafted souvenirs from the foyer gallery, visit the open artist studios or simply relax, regroup and enjoy the vistas.

\r\n" } ]