NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 557211, "prodtype_id": "ATTR", "product_name": "Made in the Outer Hebrides Art and Craft Guide", "topcategory_id": "artscrafts", "topcategory_key": 11139, "eastings": 142369, "northings": 932923, "latitude": 58.20955, "longitude": -6.38764, "bookable": false, "address4": "", "address5": "Outer Hebrides", "min_price": null, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 11139, 11209 ] , "detail_link": "/see-and-do/made-in-the-outer-hebrides-art-and-craft-guide-p557211", "info": "

Made in the Outer Hebrides Art and Craft Guide


A downloadable guide to galleries and retail outlets where visual art and craft, made in the Outer Hebrides, can be viewed, enjoyed & purchased.

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